Scarpelli Dos Santos Reis

Italian-Brazilian lawyer and citizen specializing in Italian citizenship for individuals of Italian descent born abroad (Brazil, Argentina, and the United States) and immigration law. Registered in Brazil with the Bar Associations of MG, SP, RJ, ES, and GO. Member and legal expert of IAMG – Instituto dos Advogados de Minas Gerais, Brazil. In Europe, a member of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe. In Italy, established lawyer registered with the Bar Association of Rome and the National Forensic Council of Italy. In Portugal, a lawyer registered with the Lisbon Council of the Portuguese Bar Association. Creator of the “Corrente do Bem” which combats piracy and illegal activities in the world of Italian citizenship, in Brazil and Italy, and founder of the online course “Cidadania Italiana Legal,” having provided free guidance to more than 1,000 people on how to achieve their dreams within the law, in Brazil and Italy.

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