AGCI, Associazione Generale Cooperative Italiane

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AGCI, the General Association of Italian Cooperatives, established under D.L. C.P.S. No. 1577 of 14/12/1947, converted into Law No. 302 of April 2, 1951, for the representation, assistance, and protection of the cooperative movement, is a non-profit, free, and independent association of Cooperative Entities and Mutual Associations. It operates in favor of cooperatives, associations, and other entities, even non-cooperative ones, democratic bodies whose purpose is the economic improvement, moral, social, and cultural elevation of the members of the adhering entities.

AGCI, inspired by the principles of the secular and democratic cooperative movement, promotes the diffusion and development of cooperation, drawing inspiration from the principles of the International Cooperative Alliance, contributing to the elaboration and realization of a general project of economic, social, civil, reformist, and progressive development linked to free and democratic systems, in collaboration and comparison with institutions, cultural, productive, social, and political forces.

The activity of AGCI extends throughout the national territory through the Regional Associations. In particular, among other things, AGCI Umbria provides free assistance:

  • in the constitution of cooperative societies (drafting statutes and administrative requirements);
  • in the search for financial sources for the start-up and management of entrepreneurial activities;
  • in legislative information and opportunities related to Professional Training;
  • in the preparation of the business plan.

AGCI Umbria is therefore available to all those (cooperatives, other companies, professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs) who wish to have information on the cooperative enterprise, on the Laws in favor of cooperatives, and on the non-speculative AGCI tools currently available for the birth and development of the cooperative enterprise (C.F.I., Cooperfidi, FonCoop, Mutual Funds in support of Cooperation, AGCI Bank, etc.).

AGCI Umbria disseminates daily, through newsletters and targeted emails, all the information of interest to the adhering cooperatives and is engaged in:

  • carrying out promotional initiatives on the cooperative enterprise; production of specific informational material.
  • representation and protection of interests, in institutional and bargaining tables, of the cooperative sectors relevant to the cooperatives adhering to AGCI Umbria (agriculture, housing, PL, social, Labor Services, Transport, Tourism Services, etc.).
  • raising awareness towards the Interprofessional Paritarian Fund FON COOP. Implementation of Concorded Company Training Plans for the worker members of the associated cooperatives.

For any info, please contact President Gabriele Nardini at +39 3289104170 –

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